60 Minute Therapeutic Massage with Cupping
In conjunction with therapeutic techniques, the use of special cups on the skin can create an inverse of massage effect to occur - Rather than applying pressure to the muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull the skin and superficial connective tissue into the cup. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen the muscles, encourage blood flow, break up scar tissue and sedate the nervous system(great for high BP). Cupping may cause temporary bruise-like marks called the 'cup kiss'. These marks are from the blood flow and internal stagnation rising to the surface. These suggest removal of toxins and stagnation rising to the surface. Cupping is used to relieve back, neck and hip pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, chest congestion and even cellulite. *Marks can last from 1-14 days *Lightheadedness, nausea and point tenderness may occur following treatment depending on intensity